
where is palestine?

palestine is an area of the mediterranean region of western asia. it borders jordan, egypt, syria, lebanon and the gaza strip.
it is now being taken over by israel, set by the zionists in 1948.

palestine has been taken off the maps.

what is zionism?

zionism is a discriminatory ideology that hopes to build up an israeli nation in the land of palestine.
it is entirely anti-palestine and wishes to mass exterminate the palestinians. founders of zionism have said that it is a settler-colonial project, and that they must ethnically cleanse palestinians from their land, in order to establish their jewish state.

here is a website to further read on the history of zionism and of perspectives of founders from the early years:

what is antisemitism?

antisemitism is prejudice against or hatred of jews.
being an anti-zionist is not the same as being an antisemitic.
anti-zionism is a pose occupied by palestinians and non-palestinians, going against everything about zionism.
it is not antisemitic to criticise the israeli policies towards palestinians.

the balfour declaration

during ww1, the balfour declaration took place in november 1917. it was provided by the british foreign secretary, arthur balfour. he ensured britain supports the israelis in establishing their state in palestine.
they did not take the palestinian peoples word and wishes into account. generally, it made the zionists more successful in their movement.
this then led zionist settlers to begin their move into palestine, with greater colonies.
since 1948, the palestinian homes have been attacked and are continuing to get more violent.

the war between the arabs and israelis

on june 5th, 1967, egypt, syria, iraq and jordan came together to battle against israel. israel first attacked the egyptian army bases.
israel had won the war - this meant they had began to occupy the gaza strip, parts of jerusalem and egypt and the west bank. it also led to 300,000 palestinians forced out of their homes.
zionists would say that it was an act of defence. however, history and sources say the compete opposite.

palestine today

what is happening today?

as of 2021, only a small percentage of the palestinians homeland is left.
israel is going to continue to ethnically cleanse and wipe out palestine until this percentage falls to 0%.

disruption of the holy Al Aqsa

on may 7th, more than 330 people were reported injured as the israeli police stormed the holy masjid Al-Aqsa, during the holy month of ramadan.
the police fired rubber bullets, tear gas and stun grenades at the palestinians, whos only defense were rocks.
250 palestinians were hospitalised.
21 israeli officers were hospitalised.

air raids to gaza

dozens of air raids from israel struck the skys of gaza on tuesday 18th may.
218 palestinians have been killed in gaza, 63 of them being children.
1500 palestinians left wounded.
12 people in israel have died due to as hamas attacks israel in the state of defence, 12 people have died, with 300 wounded.

the US president, joe biden, sends support to israel on a phone call with the prime minister of israel.
as joe biden supplies israel with 735 million dollars worth of weapons, a US muslim advocacy group urges him to cancel this sale.

petitions and donation sites

made by ruqayyah begum

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